Our in-house discount plan rewards loyal patients that don’t have dental insurance with significant savings on dental treatments!
For adults and for children without insurance. Offer good in the absence of gum disease.
All plan fees are due at the time of Enrollment. This plan is non-transferable by patient. This plan cannot be combined with any other insurance, dental plan, coupon or discount. Plan participants are responsible for scheduling their periodic treatments and services not utilized at the end of each year’s membership period are not carried over to the following year. Discounts apply only to services rendered by Methuen Family Dentistry and do not include treatment for services provided elsewhere even if you are referred to a specialist by Methuen Family Dentistry
Methuen Family Dentistry
Our in-house discount plan rewards loyal patients that don’t have dental insurance with signifi cant savings on dental treatments!
Loyalty Club $499
New Patients First Year:
Loyalty Club $399
Renewal after first year: